Find Quick Wins

Momentum begets momentum,

and the best way to start is to start.


While it's important to keep the big picture firmly in view, taking a series of small steps toward those goals - aka "quick wins" - helps to generate excitement and momentum.  Consider how you might address some of the "low hanging fruit" among your community's priorities as a way of showing that you mean business!

Note: Below, and throughout our site, underlined text indicates a live link.

5._ABLe_Change_Quick_Wins_Guide_4.13.20 (1).pdf

Key Resource on Quick Wins

The Quick Wins Guide to the left, produced by Michigan State University, provides guidance in identifying quick wins in four areas of your work:  Defining, Designing, Doing, and Learning.

Additional Resources for Selecting Quick Wins

Quick Wins_ Why and How.pdf

Quick Wins: Why and How. This resource provides a basic framework for identifying a Quick Win project that will start to build trust with residents and partners which will, over time, lead to meaningful long-term change.

Organizing Engagement Principle: Action. This resource provides terrific guidance on quick wins with an emphasis on moving at the speed of equity.