Age-friendly sullivan

The community garden in Age-Friendly Sullivan brings residents together to plant and to enjoy time with friends and neighbors

Since its inception, Age-Friendly Sullivan, an all volunteer network of residents and collaborative partners has had as its vision to be “a compassionate community of neighbors supporting / welcoming young and aging residents to thrive in a sustainable Sullivan.”  

Coordinated by Candy Eaton, volunteers have created and continue to support many initiatives designed to enable residents of all ages to thrive in their own homes and participate in community activities.  

Supported by the Town of Sullivan, with additional funding from AARP challenge grants, AARP Maine, Maine Community Foundation and New England Grassroots Fund, volunteers developed and enacted a wealth of programming in only 5 short years!  

An organization that does NOT want to “reinvent the wheel”, Age-Friendly Sullivan has encouraged existing community organizations to partner and support their programming while also being willing to share their success and challenges with all of us in the Lifelong Communities efforts! We have all benefited from Candy’s wisdom, wit, and endless energy!

Grants have led to development of a Community Garden and a new Walking Trail. 

Outdoor activities also include the annual Schoodic Scenic Byway clean-up and cookout on Earth Day.  Age-Friendly Sullivan also partners with Friends in Action and Downeast Community Partners to provide volunteer transportation services to residents.  

In addition to providing combination smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, they partner with MDI Housing Authority’s Comfortably Home program to provide home safety modifications to those with physical challenges.  During the winter, sand buckets are delivered to older residents, and all residents are encouraged to participate in the Window Dressers program to build window inserts, reducing heating costs while improving the comfort of their homes.

Understanding the importance of health and social services for all residents, Age-Friendly Sullivan includes a guest speaker at each monthly meeting, to inform residents of services and resources available.  They have also hosted annual health and wellness fairs, partnering with agencies and health services providing vaccinations, blood pressure screenings, along with healthy activities and support services.  The University of Maine RSVP program recruited Age-Friendly Sullivan to begin a Bone Builder’s exercise program, where participants are exercising to strengthen their bodies.  This month, they partnered with Eastern Area Agency on Aging and Northern Light Health to offer vaccinations at the Sullivan Town Office.

As part of the Lifelong Communities dementia inclusive project, they collaborated with the Frenchman’s Bay Library and the Universities of Maine and New England providing educational information and resources on brain health.  Titled “Dementia Inclusion Downeast”, this impressive group created a FaceBook campaign of daily posts, videos and online resources. 

Recognizing the many benefits of social connectedness, Age-Friendly Sullivan also partnered with Frenchman’s Bay Library to renovate the Community Room at the Recreation Center, along with developing free community events to celebrate neighbors and their town.  This was of increased importance throughout the pandemic, whereby neighbors truly helped neighbors, through delivery of monthly food boxes, the Friendly-Caller program, and the Circle of Friends birthday card program, sending handwritten birthday cards to every adult in Sullivan.  Last year, we developed “Welcome to Sullivan'' tote bags, given to every new family, which included our Resource Guide, brochures and pamphlets for businesses, nonprofits and partners, along with business cards for our local trades and businesses.

While the focus is Sullivan, Age-Friendly Sullivan welcomes residents and visitors in neighboring communities to join in their community events, attend the monthly meetings and programs, and learn how they may become an Age-Friendly Livable Community in Maine!

If you have any questions about the Lifelong Communities, email