Community Connections
"we all have tools in our toolkit, but none of us have all the tools. (The Community COnnetions Program) is about figuring out what are the tools we all have and how can we leverage those tools and work together for the best outcomes."
– elizabeth gattine,
Coordinator Cabinet on Aging
– elizabeth gattine,
Coordinator Cabinet on Aging
community connections overview
The Community Connections program is a signature initiative of the Governor's Cabinet on Aging in collaboration with the UMaine Center on Aging and Maine's five Area Agencies on Aging. The goal is to provide supports that will allow Lifelong Maine's Age-Friendly Communities** to further local age-friendly goals, expand resource connections, and increase capacity to connect residents to the services and programs they need to thrive. The program includes multiple benefits to Maine communities.
Benefits to support all of Maine's lifelong communities.
Training in outreach, advocacy, volunteer management, communication, and other skills to connect people to resources, services, and programs that address critical and social needs.
Enhanced communication with your Area Agency on Aging.
Networking Opportunities to learn about regional resources available to help older residents in your community.
Assisted Rides - software helps schedule volunteer rides, track other age-friendly activities, and even organize e-blasts to your distribution list. The aim is to make your work more efficient and help you tell the story of community impact to residents, community decision-makers, and funders. The program, training to use it efficiently, and technical support will be available at no charge to Maine's Lifelong Communities (a value of approximately $2000/year per community).
Area Agency on Aging Community Ambassadors
A Community Ambassador role has been developed by each of the five Maine Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). The Community Ambassadors will build close relationships with Age-Friendly communities and with other municipalities in their service area. The aim is for the Community Ambassador to more closely understand the unique strengths and needs in each community, connect communities to AAA resources, and for the AAAs to refer people to local Age-Friendly Communities for opportunities in their own city or town.
The Community Connector Pilot project's goal is to reduce barriers to access services, programs, and other supports. Through their work in the community, Connectors will be able to help residents meet critical needs and connect people to desired social opportunities. Community Connectors will be people who live in the community and know it well. As trusted neighbors, community connectors will help their fellow residents identify and access desired supports and make it more comfortable to accept help or to participate in social opportunities.
Community Connectors commit to giving 10-20 hours per week to fulfill their role and receive a stipend through the University of Maine of $10,000 - $20,000 for a 12 month commitment. They are trained in the resources available, best practices for connecting people to needed services and programs, and in leadership development. The UMaine Center on Aging works closely with eachpilot sites to ensure that Community Connectors are well-equiped and supported in their role.
Click here to read more about our 10 pilot sites!
The Community Connections minigrant program will provide small grants for projects that increase your impact in the community. All projects that are in line with the broad goals of the Governor's Cabinet on Aging will be eligible. These funds aim to help your age-friendly community launch a new program or activity or expand the scope and reach of the work you are already implementing. In order to apply, your lifelong community must be a 501c3 (or other non-profit recognized by the IRS), work with a fiduciary agent (e.g., a library or other local non-profit), or be a government entity. Note: Communities that are part of the Community Connector pilot program WILL be eligible to apply for the mingrants.
Click here to read the Governor's press release
Click here to read coverage of the program in the Bangor Daily News
**Note: Age-Friendly communities are most often members of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. Others are working withing a similar framework without formally joining the AARP Network. All cities, towns, and groups of towns working together regionally to become more age-inclusive play a critical role making Maine's communities great places to live. Lifelong Maine, a program of the UMaine Center on Aging in partnership with AARP Maine, provides technical and programmatic support to communities throughout this process. For more information about what makes a community age-friendly, visit Lifelong Maine's Guide to Building Age-Friendly Communities.