Lifelong Fellows Program

Note: Below, and throughtout our site, underlined text indicates a live link.

Year One, 2019-2020

Five Fellows worked with six Host Communities 

designed a five-part training series

oversaw the distribution of $6,000 in microgrants

Our Year One Fellows (from left to right): Anne Schroth, Al Cressy, Candy Eaton, Jean Saunders, and Karen Cambell

Bangor Livable Communities (Fellow: Karen Campbell)

Danforth Livable Communities (Fellow: Karen Campbell)

Age-Friendly Knox County (Fellow: Anne Schroth)

Age-Friendly Surry (Fellow: Candy Eaton)

Age-Friendly Eliot (Fellow: Jean Saunders)

Lifelong Vinalhaven (Fellow: Al Cressy)

Communities for a Lifetime summarizes the impact of the program on Lifelong Fellows and host commmunities