Lifelong Maine:
Dementia Inclusion Project update

Age-Friendly Chelsea
is working with the Togus VA to bring social and other opportunities to veterans living with dementia.

Beginning in May, UMaine Center on Aging’s Lifelong Communities Program embarked on a partnership with the University of New England’s AgingME GWEP program to develop local, quick action projects to ensure that individuals experiencing cognitive changes, including dementia, feel welcome and included in their community. 

The 38 age-friendly communities that partnered with us on this project were tasked with hosting a community conversation about dementia inclusion and were offered up to a $500 micro-grant to develop a new project or enhance an existing program to make it more  inclusive of individuals living with dementia, their care partners, family, and friends.

Communities had a tight timeline – projects were developed by the end of June with targeted completion by mid-September. A wide variety of projects are now underway including;

The Center on Aging is proud of the enthusiastic response to this quick action initiative. Age-friendly, lifelong communities from York to Aroostook County have embraced dementia inclusion as part of the work they are already doing to ensure that every resident feels included, involved and able to remain in their community of choice. 

Visit the Lifelong Communities website at
to learn more about how to become a more inclusive community,
view resources,
and learn about the dementia inclusive projects underway.